New moms that are breastfeeding have a lot to think about. In addition to the physical and emotional challenges of being a new mom, these women also have to worry about whether or not they will be able to produce enough milk for their babies. Let’s take a closer look at some foods that can help with this issue.
It’s no secret that breastfeeding is one of the best things a mother can do for her child. Not only does it provide essential nutrients, but it also helps to build a strong bond between mother and baby. However, for some mothers, producing enough milk can be a challenge. Here are some foods to increase milk supply.
There are many benefits to breastfeeding, both for the mother and the child. For the mother, breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and type 2 diabetes. It can also help with weight loss after giving birth. Breastfeeding also helps to build a strong bond between mother and baby.
For the child, breastfeeding provides essential nutrients that are necessary for growth and development. It also helps to protect the child against infections and diseases. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide your child with the nutrients they need in the early stages of life.
There are many different foods that can help boost your milk supply. Some of the best options include:
Oatmeal or oat milk is great for mothers who are looking to increase their milk supply.
Oatmeal is a great food for breastfeeding moms because it contains lots of iron along with b-complex vitamins which help support energy levels, memory function, and mood stability.
They’re also believed to have compounds that aid in the production of milk hormones.
It is a fiber-rich food that helps keep you feeling fuller for longer, meaning you drink more fluids which will lead to an increase in your breast milk supply.
Here is a great oatmeal cookie recipe!
Fenugreek is a lactogenic food that can help to increase your milk supply when breastfeeding.
It’s a great source of protein and calcium, so it helps you stay healthy, too.
Brewer’s yeast
Brewer’s yeast is another food that can be helpful if you are looking to increase your milk supply.
It contains B-complex vitamins, which are said to improve your mood and help with fatigue, as well.
Garlic is another great food for increasing your milk supply.
It contains a compound called allicin, which boosts your body’s production of prolactin, a hormone that plays an important role in lactation.
Ginger is often used to aid with stomach upset or nausea. It can also help increase your milk supply because it stimulates the mammary glands.
Fresh ginger root is known with helping with the letdown reflex to help stimulate the milk-making process.
Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and fennel seeds are all great to boost milk supply.
Pumpkin seeds
These are high in vitamins A, C, D, E, and K. They also contain lots of iron which is essential for lactating mothers. This food is great for increasing your milk supply quickly as well as nutritionally supporting your milk production after birth.
Pumpkin seeds are among the most well-known natural remedies when it comes to increasing a mother’s breastmilk production, especially when you put them in pumpkin seed tea. They contain an abundance of zinc which helps promote lactation naturally in breastfeeding moms. If you don’t want to drink them in tea form, they can be added ground up on top of oatmeal or yogurt as well.
Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds are great for breastmilk production. They contain high levels of calcium, magnesium, and manganese which help the body produce hormones that help to increase lactation.
Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are used to increase breast milk production in breastfeeding moms. They provide lots of vitamin C, calcium, and iron to help boost the milking process.
Fennel’s plant estrogens may assist nursing mothers in producing more breast milk.
Whole grains
Whole grains such as brown rice, millet, quinoa, and oats are all great for breastfeeding moms. They provide lots of nutrients that increase milk supply such as iron, magnesium, and calcium.
Dark leafy greens
Dark leafy greens are packed with iron, calcium, and magnesium which are great to increase milk supply.
Spinach is high in lactogenic foods that can help increase breast milk production when breastfeeding.
Probiotic foods
kefir contains probiotic cultures which may help regulate GI function, including the enhancement of hormones that are part of lactation.
Yogurts are high in calcium but also contain probiotics which can help with digestive issues and increase milk production.
These probiotic cultures serve as food for your baby’s gut, helping to populate it with good bacteria that will aid in digestion after birth.
Probiotics can also help prevent yeast infections by keeping your body’s estrogen levels down, leading to healthier vaginal secretions.
One of these most common causes for low milk supply is insufficient intake of healthy fats and calories in a mother’s diet.
Salmon is a great source of healthy fats, which is very beneficial for both breastfeeding mothers and their babies.
When eaten regularly, they aid in the development of your baby’s brain and eyesight.
Studies suggest that it can improve emotional problems in children too!
These foods are all high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy breast milk.
If you avoid meats or fish, another great source of your omega 3’s is hemp seeds.
Lactation teas
Lactation teas are packs with herbal supplements like milk thistle and fenugreek, which help you to increase milk supply naturally.
They contain high levels of iron and vitamin B. While it may not be as tasty as a cup of tea, it’s worth it if you want to increase your breast milk supply!
Ginger tea is used by many mothers to increase milk supply. It contains compounds that can stimulate the let-down reflex in order to quickly increase milk supply right after birth.
Other teas you might like to try include fennel or fenugreek tea (helps increase prolactin levels), and raspberry leaf (helps tone the uterus).
Tips on how to include these foods in your diet
A woman who has given birth needs an additional 300-500 calories day while breastfeeding simply to maintain or increase milk supply and body weight.
If you want to increase milk supply, it’s important to include these foods in your diet.
You can eat them as part of a regular meal or snack, or you can add them to your favorite recipes. Just be sure to eat them regularly to see the best results.
The best way to include these foods is by eating them regularly throughout the week. Rather than choosing just one or two foods, try including several of the options listed above into your regular diet every day.
This ensures that you get enough nutrients without taking in too many calories.
One way you can work these foods into your diet to boost your milk supply is by making smoothies filled with healthy ingredients like fruits and vegetables.
Smoothies are easy to make and they taste delicious! You can even add supplements, such as brewer’s yeast or fenugreek, to your smoothies for added nutritional benefits.
Read here for my lactation smoothie recipe!
One thing you can do is try snacking on oatmeal throughout the day.
It’s easy to prepare oatmeal by just adding some oats into a pan with water or milk, cooking it over medium heat for five minutes then stirring in some honey or cinnamon if desired once they have been cooked.
You could also try drinking a lactation tea as well as eating pumpkin seeds and fresh ginger root added on top of yogurt or oatmeal.
Here is an easy oatmeal cookie recipe that is great for snacking to boost your supply.
Try having your tea or water set up next to you while you nurse your baby as well as these oatmeal cookies. This will help you stay hydrated and get in the calories that you need.
Some foods to avoid when you’re looking to boost your milk supply include:
Coffee is a diuretic which basically means that it dehydrates the body. It can take away from your breast milk supply because it decreases your fluid levels in the body. Drink plenty of water throughout the day instead of coffee or caffeinated beverages to keep hydrated and increase milk supply.
Soda/Fruit juice
Sugar-free drinks, including soda and fruit juices, can affect lactation if consumed excessively by a breastfeeding mother because they affect blood sugar levels. To avoid this, it’s recommended that a breastfeeding mother drink only one eight-ounce cup of juice daily and keep caffeinated drinks to a minimum. Bottled water is a great beverage option for lactating mothers because it continues to hydrate them and help increase milk production.
Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sugars have been known to cause changes in milk supply when consumed excessively by breastfeeding mothers. It’s suggested that you consume artificial sweeteners only in moderation while breastfeeding to avoid this potential side effect.
A mother who consumes alcohol during breastfeeding can have a negative effect on her baby’s development as well as lower her supply. If you plan to drink, do so in moderation and only do so occasionally.
You can read more on foods to avoid while breastfeeding here as well as foods the decrease your supply.
Seek help when needed
It is important to remember that every woman and baby is different. Be sure to keep an eye on your baby and make sure she’s growing!
If you feel like you constantly struggling with your milk supply, you may want to consult with a lactation consultant or speak with your doctor about medications that may inhibit milk production.
If all else fails, there are always supplemental nursing systems (SNS). These require the baby to stay constantly attached by tubing near the nipple as well as another tube that goes into a container of formula or pumped breastmilk hanging off the side of a high chair or another surface for feedings.
The benefits of breastfeeding
There are many benefits to breastfeeding for both the mother and child. For the mother, breastfeeding can help burn calories and promote weight loss. Breastfeeding also helps the uterus return to its pre-pregnancy size more quickly. It also helps reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
For the child, breastfeeding provides important nutrients that are essential for growth and development. It also helps protect against infections and illnesses. Breast milk also contains antibodies that help protect the child from diseases.
Free recipe ebook
To help you in your breastfeeding journey, we’ve created this ultimate list of foods and recipes for boosting milk supply. Not only will these delicious recipes give you the sustenance and calories that you need to breastfeed successfully but they also provide key nutrients like iron, protein, calcium, and vitamin D which are essential for both mommy and baby.
Additionally, there is a lot more to offer than just food! We recommend taking advantage of some helpful tips such as drinking water while nursing or having your tea set up next to you.
Check out your free lactation boosting recipe ebook here!
It can be daunting when considering how much goes into breastfeeding – not only do new moms have to worry about whether or not they produce enough milk; most women don’t know what’s normal until it happens with their own baby.
Additionally, women have to worry about what they should and shouldn’t eat while breastfeeding. Not only can foods affect the baby’s health, but it can also impact the mother’s milk supply. For this reason, you’ll find that some of these recipes are high in calories and other nutrients that help both mommy and baby thrive during this special time.
Be sure to read The Best Breastfeeding Chairs for Your Nursery and The Top 10 Pacifiers for Breastfed Babies
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