Exclusively Pumping Schedule with Sample Schedules

When it comes to pumping breast milk, the more you know the better. This exclusively pumping schedule article offers some very useful tips on how to do this right and why it matters.

A lot of women are not aware that they have to establish a milk supply within a certain time frame in order to produce breast milk. If you don’t establish a milk supply within 12 weeks of giving birth, you will not be able to produce enough milk to feed your child.

It’s normal to have a small breast milk supply when you’re breastfeeding. That means that your breasts may only produce a few ounces of milk at a time. This matches the size of your baby’s stomach since babies usually eat smaller amounts and will grow in size as they do.

When your baby is a newborn, it is normal to only pump a little amount of breast milk during each pumping session. Over time, your body will learn to produce more milk, and you can begin pumping more often. Pumping more often will also help you conserve your milk supply. If you’ve been considering exclusively pumping after giving birth, now is the time to start! Here’s how to do it right and why it matters.

Make sure you have all of the necessary equipment: a good breast pump, storage containers for milk, and comfortable clothing to wear while pumping.

Establish a routine: Pumping should be done at the same time every day, in the same place, and for the same length of time. The exclusive pumping schedule is a popular breastfeeding technique that involves pumping exclusively for the first six months.

Sample Pumping Schedule For A Newborn

If you are pumping for a newborn, here are a few general guidelines to follow: Pumping sessions should be at least 10 minutes long. Pumping should be done at least 8 times per day. If you cannot keep up the pace of 10 pumping sessions per day, try to not drop below 8 pumping sessions.

There’s a reason why nursing mothers are advised to pump every two hours: going more than three hours between pumping sessions can reduce milk production. “Studies have consistently shown that women who pump frequently produce more milk,” says La Leche League International spokesperson Amy Krieger.

“So if you’re able to pump at least every two hours, you’re doing your baby and yourself a major favor.

Many mothers are aware that the hormones that help them produce milk are at their peak during the middle of the night. This is why many women choose to pump during these hours between midnight and 5 am. Pumping during this time allows the mother to obtain the most milk possible.

Exclusively Pumping Schedule

Exclusive Pumping Schedule For A 2-Month-Old

Postpartum pumping can be a daunting task for new moms. Between sleep deprivation, adjusting to a new schedule, and all the other new changes in your life, it can be hard to keep up with pumping sessions. But you may only need to pump eight times per day after the first few weeks postpartum. This is thanks to the body’s natural milk production following childbirth.

Pumping is a necessary task for many new mothers. Pumping helps to ensure that your milk supply remains high and that you’re providing your baby with the best possible nutrition. However, it’s important to keep up with pumping sessions 8-10 times per day until your hormones have regulated once you are about 12 weeks postpartum before you stretch out the time between pumping sessions.

Sample Pumping Schedule for a 2-Month-Old

Pump Session Times:

5 am

7 am

9 am

12 pm

3 pm

6 pm

9 pm

1 am

With this pumping schedule, you will pump every 2 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the afternoon and evening, and every 4 hours at night. You will have 2 opportunities where you will sleep for 4 hours in between pumping., from 9 pm to 1 am, and then from 1 am to 5 am.

Exclusive Pumping Schedule For A 3 to 4-Month-Old

If you’ve been struggling to maintain your supply while breastfeeding, adding back pumping sessions may be the answer. Power pumping can help boost milk production and encourage more milk production in subsequent sessions. Additionally, if you’re finding it difficult to produce enough milk on your own, it might be a good idea to consult with a lactation consultant to help you troubleshoot the issue and find a solution.

Do you have a busy schedule and don’t have time to pump? If so, this schedule has you pumping about every 3 hours in the morning and every 3 to 4 hours in the evening and overnight. This way, you will make sure that your milk supply is always high.

Sample Pumping Schedule For A 3 To 4-Month-Old

If your milk supply is still at a good level after a week, then you might be ok without the night pumping session. However, if your supply is not at a good level after a week, you might need to add it back into your schedule.

Dropping a breastfeeding session can be a difficult decision to make. However, you should be especially careful when dropping a session in the middle of the night because most women produce the most milk during this time. If you decide to drop a session, make sure to talk with your breastfeeding support group or lactation consultant to make sure that you are taking the necessary precautions to maintain your milk supply.

Sample Pumping Times

6 am

9 am

1 pm

4 pm

7 pm

11 pm

Sample Pumping Schedule For A 5 to 6-Month-Old

By the time your baby is 5 or 6 months old, their milk supply should be well established. This means that they will be getting enough milk from each breast to meet their needs. While there may still be some fluctuations, over time your milk supply should become more consistent.

me, this means setting a schedule and sticking to it, while others may find that their milk supply fluctuates and they need to pump more or less often. Regardless of how often you pump, always make sure to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and maintain your energy.

Most mothers find that they can drop a pumping session after they reach their target milk supply, but it’s important to watch your supply for a few days and make sure you are still happy with the amount of milk you are expressing. Pumping sessions can be dropped gradually over time if you are comfortable with the new amount of milk you are producing.

Example Pumping Schedule For A 7 to 8-Month-Old

This pumping schedule is for a 7 to 8-month-old who is exclusively pumping. The schedule assumes the baby is eating 5 to 6 ounces every three to four hours.

Sample Pumping Times

You may need to slowly decrease your pumping session during the night so you can sleep comfortably and not have to deal with engorgement or clogged ducts.

6 am

11 am

3 pm

7 pm

11 pm

Exclusive Pumping Schedule For a 9 to 12-Month-Old

If you are pumping to maintain your milk supply, it is important that you continue to pump at least four times per day. However, if you are goal is to drop down to pumping only four times per day, be sure to gradually reduce the number of times you pump over a period of several weeks. This will help avoid any negative effects on your milk supply and ensure that your baby is getting the best possible nutrition.

When you’re pumping to maintain your milk supply, sometimes dropping down to 2 or 3 pumps per day can be a sign that you’re ready to wean. Dr. Sears recommends continuing to pump at least 4 times per day until you are ready to wean. This will help keep your milk supply stable and guarantee that your baby is getting the milk they need.

Pump Session Time

6 am

11 am

4 pm

10 pm

Do You Have To Pump On A Schedule?

Many breastfeeding mothers find that they have a harder time managing their milk supply when they are not following a schedule. A schedule can help you to prevent leaks, and can also help you to keep track of your milk production. If you find that your milk supply is not coming in at the same rate every day, it may be helpful to try a schedule. There are many different types of schedules, so find one that works best for you.

There are pros and cons to pumping on a schedule. Pumping on a schedule can help you produce the amount of breast milk that you need. However, there are also some cons to pumping on a schedule. Pumping on a schedule can be difficult if you have other responsibilities, such as work or school.

Pumping at work can be a challenge. You may need to adjust your pumping times depending on your work schedule, errands, or doctor’s appointments. Pumping at home can be more comfortable but that limits the times that you can pump. Find the times that work best for you and your baby.

Working mothers often juggle work, errands, and doctor appointments. For some women, pumping at work can be a challenge. While there are many benefits to exclusively pumping, it’s important to do it correctly in order to reap all of those benefits. Here are some tips for exclusively pumping:

1. Make sure you have all the supplies you’ll need before you begin, including a pump, breast milk storage bags, and pumping bra.

2. Choose a comfortable time of day to pump. Spending time in quiet surroundings with your baby can help reduce stress and promote bonding.

3. Use a portable breast pump to pump on the go

4. Pump in the car on your way to and from work When it comes to breastfeeding, there are a lot of opinions out there.

5. Use a breast pump bag to carry all of your supplies in one place.

Exclusively Pumping Schedule

What If I Miss A Pumping Session?

Many breastfeeding mothers worry about losing their milk supply if they miss a pumping session. However, missing just one session won’t necessarily result in a decrease in milk production or trigger weaning. If you’re worried about losing your milk supply, it’s best to stick to a schedule as much as possible.

As mothers go about their day, they often forget to pump. This can lead to a decrease in milk supply. However, there are ways to increase milk supply if you notice a decrease. Skipping pumping sessions often will not help because milk production is based on demand and when you are not directly providing that demand, your milk supply will slowly dwindle. Breastfeeding and pumping together can help increase milk production and keep the supply up for both you and your baby.

How Long Should a Pumping Session Last?

If you are exclusively pumping, you will want to develop a pumping schedule. The length of your pumping session will depend on how much milk you are able to pump. You will want to pump for about 10-15 minutes on each breast. If you are only able to get a few ounces after 10 minutes, then you will want to continue pumping for another 5-10 minutes.

Do I Need to Pump at Night?

If you are exclusively pumping, you will need to pump at least eight times in a 24-hour period. This can include once during the night.

This is both because frequent milk removal is crucial for establishing a good milk supply, and because many individuals have a spike in lactation at night. This is presumably due to elevated prolactin degrees.

How Much Breast Milk Should I be Producing?

When you become a mom, one of the many things you worry about is how much milk you are producing. You may be exclusively pumping and wonder how often you should be pumping in order to produce enough milk. There is no correct answer, as each mom and baby are different. However, there are a few things that can help you produce more milk.

In the beginning, the amount that exclusive pumpers produce can vary quite a bit – some people will get 4 oz for their newborns, and others will get a few drops.

How Much Breast Milk Does My Baby Need?

In an average 24-hour period your baby will consume about 19-30 ounces of breast milk or infant formula a day

There is a small range on how much a bottle of breast milk your baby needs depending on your baby’s age. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends For a 1-month-old baby, they recommend 24 ounces a day and for a 6-month-old baby, it is 24-32 ounces a day.


Exclusively pumping can be a great way for mothers to provide breast milk for their newborns, but it requires a lot of dedication. A pumping schedule needs to be followed closely in order to maintain milk production.

A pumping schedule for exclusively pumping is essential for both the health of your baby and your own sanity. A properly followed pumping schedule will help to ensure that your milk supply is maintained and that you don’t become over-extended.

About the author

Lacy Reason is a highly experienced and compassionate lactation counselor, who has dedicated her career to educating and supporting new mothers on their breastfeeding journey.