Can You Get Pregnant While Breastfeeding?

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? This is a question that many women ask themselves. The answer is yes, but it will be more difficult to get pregnant than if you were not breastfeeding. Breastfeeding suppresses ovulation and can make your cervical mucus thicker, which makes it harder for sperm to reach the egg. If you want to conceive or you are trying to avoid pregnancy and are exclusively breastfeeding, then read on!

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding?

The simple answer is yes. It’s also possible to ovulate and get pregnant before your first period if you’re breastfeeding. Although nursing provides some protection against ovulation, Ovulation and conception are both possible before your first menstruation.

How soon can you get pregnant after giving birth while breastfeeding?

You can get pregnant as early as 3 weeks after your baby’s birth. Exclusive breastfeeding can suppress ovulation making it difficult but it is possible to get pregnant while you are breastfeeding exclusively and even before you have your first menstrual period.

Chances of getting pregnant while breastfeeding

According to one source, only 1 to 2 percent of women who employ LAM appropriately throughout the first six months following delivery will become pregnant.

If taken correctly breastfeeding can provide 98 % accuracy and effectiveness. So a parent can give only breast milk to a baby without any supplementation. Or this can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding as birth control

A popular birth control method, the lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) is if you’re exclusive breastfeeding, which involves nursing at least every four hours during the day and at least every six hours at night for the first six months after childbirth and before your period returns.

This is known as an effective form of birth control for breastfeeding mothers.

The LAM Method

  • Must exclusively breastfeed without any other foods or formula.
  • Nurse on demand. Nursing sessions should be as often as your baby needs with at least every four hours during the day and every 6 hours at night. Pumping cannot substitute for a nursing session.
  • Need to avoid using any pacifiers or bottles
  • Keeping your baby close to you

Why do people think of breastfeeding as birth control?

If using the LAC method correctly, it can be a great way of preventing pregnancy before your first period. It is 98% effective when used correctly.

How can I use breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy?

LAM is used as a form of birth control for the first 6 months before you have your first period. If used correctly, it can prevent pregnancy 98% of the time.

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding

Can I ovulate while breastfeeding?

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg from one of your ovaries is released into the fallopian tube. Although nursing does provide some protection against ovulation, it’s possible to ovulate and get pregnant before your first period begins.

Can I get pregnant if I’m breastfeeding and haven’t had my period yet?

Yes. You can ovulate before your first period and it can result in a pregnancy. Depending on how old your baby is and if they are only getting breast milk, breastfeeding can suppress ovulation and be used as a form of birth control.

Using Natural Cycles while breastfeeding

Natural Cycles are FDA endorsed apps and thermometers which aid in monitoring your fertility in detail. NC° can help plan or prevent pregnancy as a form of birth control and NC° follow pregnancy. It is divided into three categories:

  • Plan pregnancy
  • Prevent pregnancy
  • Follow pregnancy

The app can be used as soon as birth. There is an endless amount of information available on your body to understand how you will get pregnant, and Natural Cycle helps make a positive assessment of your cycle and your health.

The transition to full fertility

When you start menstruating again, it’s generally an indication that your fertility is returning or will do so soon. It usually means you’re back to full fertility when your cycle resumes a regular pattern.

It is important to note that fertility can come back before your period.

The first cycle after birth, the bleeding is called lochia and it normally lasts around six weeks or until all of the placental tissue has been passed from your body. This depends on how much blood flow you have lost during delivery. Once this finishes, you are then considered to be postpartum.

After your period has returned, you can become pregnant at any time.

Most women ovulate about two weeks before their next period. However, some women may ovulate earlier or later than this. Pregnancy is possible from the first cycle after giving birth, though it’s more likely in the second cycle.

milk blisters

What are the chances of getting pregnant my first cycle after giving birth?

Pregnancy is possible from the first cycle after giving birth, though it’s more likely in the second cycle. Most women ovulate about two weeks before their next period but some women may ovulate earlier or later than this.

Can I get pregnant right after giving birth?

It is possible to become pregnant soon after having a baby. However, some women may need some time before they are able to conceive again. There can be many reasons for fertility issues after pregnancy, but generally, it often takes around six months or so. If you wish to avoid getting pregnant while breastfeeding your child, you can use LAM as a form of natural family planning or talk to your health care provider for other options.

Do I need to wean to get pregnant?

There’s no need to wean your child: You may breastfeed while getting ready for your next pregnancy. When some breastfeeding moms return to work or they have the ideal amount of sleep, ovulation begins and menstruation starts again.

How do you know if you are pregnant while breastfeeding?

Although fatigue during breastfeeding is one example, breastfeeding can also trigger an excessive amount of weight gain. Missing or delayed periods. Breast aches.

You can always find out by taking a pregnancy test or speaking with your healthcare provider.

Does breastfeeding stop ovulation?

Breastfeeding can postpone ovulation compared to mothers that choose not to breastfeed. However, it does not completely stop ovulation.

What happens if you get your period while breastfeeding?

When your period comes up there will be no reason to stop breastfeeding your infant. Breast milk supply can dip at times but will even out. Just make sure you are eating enough calories and staying hydrated.

How can I avoid getting pregnant while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding reduces your chance of pregnancy only when breastfeeding on demand using the LAM method. This also will no longer provide protection after 6 months when your baby starts solids.

Other options are natural family planning, condoms, and a diaphragm but be sure to talk to your doctor about what will work best for you.


What happens to your milk if you get pregnant while breastfeeding?

A decrease in milk supply is common among nursing moms throughout the second half of pregnancy, but it can happen as early as the first month. The mature milk is also changing to colostrum at this time, which was formerly present at birth.

Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding and no period?

Yes, You can get pregnant if you ovulate before your first period.

How long can you go without a period while breastfeeding?

Most women who breastfeed exclusively for three months or longer will be free of menstrual cycles, according to The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding. This is known as lactational amenorrhea.

How long you go before your first period can vary depending on the person.


Yes, you can get pregnant while breastfeeding. You may want to wait until your child is six months old before trying for another baby or use LAM as a form of family planning if you wish to avoid getting pregnant while breastfeeding your child.

Be sure to read Weaning: When and How to Stop Breastfeeding and What You Need to Know About Baby Growth Spurts

About the author

Lacy Reason is a highly experienced and compassionate lactation counselor, who has dedicated her career to educating and supporting new mothers on their breastfeeding journey.