If you are a breastfeeding mom, then you know that it can be challenging to keep up with your baby’s ever-changing appetite with a baby growth spurt. One day they might want to nurse every few hours, and the next day they’re not interested at all. That is because babies experience growth spurts during their first year of life. Growth spurts occur when the baby’s brain sends signals that tell them to eat more food than usual or drink more milk than usual in order for them to grow properly. It usually lasts for one day and goes away on its own.
A growth spurt is a period of rapid weight gain that occurs during different stages of infancy. It can be difficult to know what you should do when your baby has one, but this post will give you some tips!
What you need to know
Babies will grow an inch or more every month as well as gain 1.5 – 2 pounds of weight. Baby growth spurts are short periods when people really pack on weight. As you can imagine it’s hard to grow so fast. You can notice some taint on baby’s sleeping habits and attitude. How do I decide if my child is having a developmental stage? Check the signs to get your baby to grow quickly and healthy.
What are growth spurts?
A growth surge is a period of fast growth over a period of very little time. A newborn can add more than 20 inches of length and triple its birth weight by their first birthday. As well the babies’ head grows much especially during the first four months. It’s likely that the baby will grow slowly, but it is also possible that your baby will go through growth periods. Your baby can grow slowly at a predictable rate although there may be a growth spurt.
How do I deal with baby growth spurts?
It can be hard to know how to handle a baby going through a growth spurt. One way to handle a growth spurt is by keeping track of how much your baby drinks. It’s also important during this time that you nurse often and on demand and following their cues.
Signs of a growth spurt in progress:
A baby’s appetite will increase and they might want to eat or drink much more than usual. They may also be fussy. It is important that you monitor your child during these times so that you can ensure they are eating enough and drinking enough milk.
All little ones are different in their response to a certain situation so pay attention to your baby. Some babies can sleep longer while other babies will wake up more. Some nursing mothers report feeling a lot more thirst and hunger than usual.
It is an important indicator to eat more and stay hydrate to facilitate more frequent nursing. When babies grow they can have constant hunger and wake up more often for a midnight snack.
Your baby may be dealing with growing pains so they might have some intense bursts of fussiness for a few days.
Growth spurts and breastfeeding:
If your baby is breastfed, then growth spurt will affect the flow of nutrients that come into their system. The reason for this is because when a child starts to eat more food during these times it often leads to an increase in milk production. Follow your baby’s cues and breastfeed as often as they need.
Growth spurts and sleep patterns:
Your baby might start waking up more at night than usual because of their growth spurt. Try to be flexible in your routine during this time to meet your baby’s needs.
You baby sleep maybe more interrupted when going through a growth spurt. Although children tend to sleep more as they go through rapid changes. For children it is common though for babies to get up more sometimes to feed. The infant growth spurts can be a cause of a sleeping regression.
When do babies go through growth spurts?
Baby growth spurts happen at:
- 7-10 days
- 2-3 weeks
- 4-6 weeks
- 3 months
- 4 months
- 6 months
- 9 months
How long do growth spurts last?
It’s clear that growth spurts rarely last long. Baby growth spurts last for about three days during normal life although can sometimes be up to a week. It can be noticed on your own when your little one’s clothes no longer fits and they stop cluster feeding.
Tips for Surviving Your Baby’s Growth Spurts
Growth spurts cause your baby to need eat a lot more. They can become a fussy baby at times but a lot of it is worth it.
Breastfed babies may have an increased hunger and want to nurse more often. Most moms might worry about making enough milk to keep up with the demand of their baby growing. Do not be alarmed or concerned about a low milk supply. As long as they are having an adequate amount of dirty diapers and you are allowing them to feed on demand, it will increase your milk production.
Chart of baby growth spurt
This chart indicates when your baby’s growth spurt is likely to shoot up and where to spot them. The chart lists time in which you will be expecting your baby’s growth spurts.
FAQ’s on baby growth spurts
How do I know when my baby is having a growth spurt?
You can tell if your baby if having a growth spurt when they start to eat and drink more milk than usual. The reason why they will do this is because of the increase in their appetite along with gaining weight every three days or so during these times.
Are growth spurts painful for babies?
When you baby suddenly grow, they could have some growing pains which will increase their fussiness.
Do babies get fussy during growth spurts?
Yes, typically babies will get fussy during a growth spurt. They will be hungry and may want to eat more often than usual, which can make them irritable for the time being.
Why is my 4-month old so fussy all of a sudden?
4 months is a common time for sleep regressions as well as a growth spurt. As a result, they can become fussy.
How long is 4-month sleep regression?
This can last bewteen 2-4 weeks.
What are the signs of 4-month sleep regression?
Signs would include waking up more often than usual for longer periods of time.
Is my 6 week old going through a growth spurt?
Babies have growth spurts often around 6 weeks of age. If you are seeing baby growth spurt signs such as fussiness and cluster feeding, then they could very well be.
How long should a 6 week old breastfeed for?
Allow them to breastfeed for as long as they need, until they are satisfied. Make sure to follow your baby’s cues and to offer both sides to prevent engorgement and clogged ducts.
How long does cluster feeding last at 6 weeks?
This may last a few days or up to a week.
Do babies cluster feed during growth spurts?
Common baby growth spurt signs is cluster feeding and wanting to feed often.
Can babies have a growth spurt at 4 weeks?
Yes. Baby growth spurts often happen at 4 weeks of age.
Why is my 4 week old suddenly fussy?
Check and make sure all your baby’s needs have been met such as a clean diaper, well fed, held, and well rested. If they are still fussy, they could possibly want to breastfeed more but you can also check any foods that you are eating that could be bothering your baby.
Are babies fussy during growth spurts?
When babies have growth spurts they often become fussy.
How do you breastfeed during a growth spurt?
Most babies will want to breastfeed often so follow your babies cues on what they need.
Should I pump during growth spurt?
If you feel that you need to up your supply or you need relief but typically, putting baby to breast often will be enough.
Is cluster feeding a growth spurt?
Cluster feeding is when your little one wants to feed often and for longer periods of time. This typically happens during a growth spurt.
Do babies sleep more after 6 week growth spurt?
Babies sleep for longer stretches after the 6 week growth spurt but it can be different for each baby.
The growth spurt is a time of rapid weight gain in the first year of your baby’s life. It can be tough to know what you should do when your little one has one, but this article will guide you through it! Whether your child is 4 months old or 6 weeks old, there are different signs that indicate they’re going through a growth spurt and how to care for them during these times.
Be sure to read How Often Should Breastfed Babies Poop? and The Best Breastfeeding Clothes
World Health Organization growth charts and guidelines
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